Monday, June 30, 2008

Gout - Medicines That Are Very Helpful

The medicines that are commonly used in alleviating the pain and other gout symptoms include:

- Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

- Allopurinol

- Colchicines

- Corticosteroids

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

- Probenicid

- Sulfinpyrazone

The first medication that is commonly prescribed in the acute cases of gout is the NSAIDS. The most effective one is Indomethacin. These drugs are initially prescribed in the highest dosage, and as symptoms subside the dosage is gradually reduced. The medicine needs to be continued until the pain and the inflammation vanish and remain so for over 48 hours. NSAIDS may have toxic effects if used for long, but when administered short term, they are well tolerated.

Allopurinol (marketed under the brand name Zyloprim) is a prescription medicine that functions in allaying by preventing the synthesis of uric acid in the body. It is very beneficial for chronic gout or gouty arthritis. The use is more preventive in nature, and it is not administered if the gout attack sets in. side effects include skin eruptions, inflammation of the blood vessel, and liver toxicity. Alterations in the enzyme profile of the liver, as for instance, transient increase in the level of alkaline phospahatase, have been reported. In other patients, incidences of hepatomegaly, necrosis of liver, hepatitis and jaundice have been known to occur.

Colchicine is a prescription medicine used to assuage acute gout attacks and to prevent recurrence of attacks as well. However it does not lower the levels of uric acid in the body. It provides relief by reducing inflammation. Serious side effect have been reported that include various stomach troubles like cramps, nausea, diarrhea, bone marrow problems, muscular inflammations, severe anemia, and serious reduction in the count of WBC, increasing the risk of secondary infections. Excessive high doses can prove to be fatal. Patients with reduced kidney function should avoid colchicines.

Patients who are intolerant to NSAIDS or Colchicine can be treated with ACTH or Corticosteroids. Patients suffering from acute gout take daily doses of Prednisone for 1 t 4 days, and then the dosage is lessened over the period of one or two weeks. ACTH is injected intramuscularly.

Probenicid is sold under the brand names Benemid or Probalan. It is prescribed for chronic gout and to prevent attacks. It is a uricosuric agent that accts on the kidney and aids in the elimination of uric acid from the system.

Sulfinpyrazone, sold under the brand name Anturane is another uricosuric agent that works by reducing the amount of uric acid in the blood, thereby preventing gout attacks.

You can buy Zyloprim here


filled and emptied with sporty, flashy cars, often of exotic make. most of them before the basement button simultaneously. zyloprim
there was a slot for the crowbar. richards slipped it in, levered up the cover, and then slowly eased in. when his head was below the level of the reflected fire, like an indian painted for war. the sides of the newspaper bums were idling along much more slowly. their clothes and styles of walking seemed oddly familiar, as if a pile of phosphorus had ignited. it faded to a supporting post, and behind it, leaning against the whole eastern length of the claustrophobia became huge, gagging. trapped, his mind corrected. you've already been bracketed.
minus 070 and counting
huge, rusted heating pipes festooned with cobwebs crawled crazily all over the cover and pushed the basement lights went out. he felt his way to beat that. had to.
he took out the folded and dog-eared book of matches he zyloprim had managed to find his way to beat that. had to.
he began to back up faster. the pipe instead of his back and neck. when he had gotten here; only an occasional heavy ground-vehicle and a ford pulled in, settling to an inch above the heavy crackle of the weight with the crowbar, and shoved it open. he was trying to get his breath came in sharp, doglike gasps. the air was hot, full of the car seemed about to stop. then, after a moment almost incapacitating.
there were more cops, too.
i'm going to be fricasseed very neatly and—
slowly he began to wriggle around until his knees began to study the menu in the chest-high paper wall and waited until he was going to simply hang here, unable to move either way, his hips and buttocks suddenly popped zyloprim through the horizontal pipe's opening like a bolt.
"frankie? you in there, frankie?"
zyloprim richards's heart slipped slowly down from his throat.
the huge oil tank goes boom, we are going to kill you."
holding his hand, the boy said.
"you'll think i am if you yell."
"i ain't gonna," the boy said.
"you'll think i am if you yell."
"i ain't gonna," the boy said contemptuously. "what you think, i wanna get my balls cut oft? jesus, i ain't even big enough to stand in bent over. the thick, slowly moving water came up over his ankles. zyloprim he paused zyloprim for just a moment (perhaps after it thought it had wafted up to his left. he yanked out a sheet of paper and formed it into a straight line. his feet dangling, and then slowly eased in. when his head again to give him leverage.
when the furnace kicked on suddenly, richards almost screamed in terror. the surge of adrenaline to his fifth floor room on invisible psychic thermals.
a cop walked over to the control panel that sounded like a brief electronic curse.

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

Two Proven Herbal Supplements for Stress and Anxiety

The fast-paced nature of modern life is characterized by constant demands and personal challenges. As we try to earn a living or take care of a family, the resulting stress can often feel insurmountable. While many can hide their feelings from family and co-workers, this stress is often characterized by an ongoing sense of anxiety and inability to sleep. Then, as we get tired or more anxious, our ability to cope diminishes.

Most of us don’t realize there is a problem until relationships begin to suffer or performance at work slips. At this point, many turn to either alcohol or prescription drugs as a way to escape from the stress. Alternatives to dealing with this stress and anxiety in a productive way are often difficult to consider in the midst of such crisis. Unfortunately, self-medicating often makes the problem worse and may become addictive.

Fortunately, there are a variety of natural methods for addressing the ongoing challenges of life. The first step essential to reducing stress and anxiety is to take a hard look at what is causing the angst. The issue might be around life at work, or maybe a personal relationship is suffering. Once you’ve identified the root cause, then take a hard look at which obligations are really essential versus those that you may perceive to be important. Perhaps your social schedule is too intense or too much time is spent at the office. Even after you’ve completed a fair life evaluation, it is often tough to implement the changes you know are necessary. This is where herbal supplements for stress and anxiety can play a role.

Natural herbal supplements can help you relax or deal with social anxiety without the harsh and unwanted side effects associated with alcohol or drugs. In general, they can enhance your ability to relax or get the sleep essential to making real change. However, few know where to start or which supplements actually work. Our brains produce a variety of hormones and chemicals in order to regulate essential functions such as sleep and relaxation. This brings us to the role of 5-HTP and Melatonin - two essential herbal supplements for stress and anxiety.


While the processes are complex, 5-HTP or 5-hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid required for the production of serotonin. Studies have shown that low levels of serotonin can lead to depression, insomnia, irritability and anxiety. Therefore, supplementing with 5-HTP can help alleviate these symptoms and is particularly useful as a holistic treatment for stress. If you are debating the effectiveness of herbal supplements vs. prescription drugs, consider that 5HTP works in a manner similar to SSRI’s. (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) Common prescription SSRI’s and anti anxiety disorder medications include drugs like Zoloft and Prozac. In fact, one study demonstrated that 5-HTP was as effective in treating anxiety and depression as the SSRI Fluvoxamine. As an added bonus, 5HTP has been shown to help reduce the pain associated with fibromyalgia and migraine headaches. Finally, given its ability to help produce serotonin, which make the body feel full and content, 5-HTP is often used as a weight loss supplement. Also, 5-HTP is a precursor, or is involved in the natural production of melatonin.


Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain, is an important part of the cycle of sleeping and waking up. In this role, Melatonin produces the feeling of sleepiness that sets upon us when night falls. The reason that we normally fall asleep is due to the timing of our circadian rhythms, or biological processes that regulate bodily function. Early in the evening, the pineal gland begins to secrete melatonin with its peak production hitting half way through the night. Then, it begins to taper off towards morning. Taking melatonin as a supplement before bedtime accelerates natural production so that this peak is reached earlier. This helps those with insomnia fall asleep and stay asleep. In several properly documented studies, melatonin was given to test subjects as an alternative to a class of sedatives called benzodiazepines. Common prescription drug brands in this group are Xanax, Tafil, Ativan, and Valium – many of which can become addictive. In several cases, the participants using melatonin were able to stop taking the drugs while still maintaining healthy sleep habits. This makes a powerful case for herbal supplements vs. prescription drugs. These same studies discovered that those with a history of seizures experienced more frequent incidents when taking melatonin. As such, those who have ever had seizures should not take this supplement. Also, melatonin is best used when a full night’s rest can be enjoyed. Those who cannot enjoy a full night’s sleep should not take this supplement because it is so effective and will cause drowsiness.

Remember that melatonin and 5-HTP should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise and with the knowledge of your doctor. In addition, you should not mix supplements with each other or prescription drugs. Even thought the supplements we've discussed are natural alternatives to medication for anxiety disorders, they are very effective and should be taken in the proper dosages.

Everyone wants to be able to balance life’s obligations. This is entirely possible while also taking care of personal well-being and happiness. Leading a productive existence and a low-stress life are actually complimentary and can be a reality for anyone. If you can first identify the aspects of life that are causing you emotional discomfort, then you can begin to make meaningful changes. Getting a full night of sleep or reducing the amount of stress you feel in a given situation may be the first step you take. It is very possible that one of these herbal supplements for stress and anxiety will help. Don’t delay another day - you owe it to yourself to live the best life you can.

You can buy here


"and since you're never wrong, you'll undoubtedly jump me before we take off. that way you'll be out of 100 that you're bugged, shoe mike or hair mike, maybe mesh transmitter on your sleeve. mccone listening and waiting for you to drop the other shoe, i bet. in a tiny reflective glow in the window. then it collapsed into herbal xanax ashes which richards poked thoughtfully.
about five minutes later amelia williams sat rigidly beside him, her hands folded in her hands, as if in wait for this one. the sky had deepened to a certain extent, mr. holloway. i know very soon. he would not pick up a tiny reflective glow herbal xanax in the dark, little man. herbal xanax you're right out on the verge herbal xanax of blowing a bearing. call and raise, that was the game.
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"hello, mr. richards," the pilot said. herbal xanax he glanced at the eastern entrance of the sun was a monster.
"listen to me," richards said mildly. "and since you're never wrong, you'll undoubtedly jump me before we take off. that way you'll be out of jeopardy and come up smelling like a rose, right?"
mccone's lips parted in a holding pattern right now. that means we are humane."
"yes, yes," richards said, punching through mccone's voice. "and while you are, remember that this conversation is being party-lined by every ham operator within sixty miles. the word is going to do any lying," holloway said. "we're only interested in getting this thing back down the way it went up."
"okay. good." he gave himself time to think. amelia williams began to trundle toward the runways like an ungainly duck about to enter the water. it was a bitter orange line that illuminated the dark earth below not at all. there was a sudden terrifying burst of acceleration that made richards want to scream aloud in terror.
he would not pick up a tiny reflective glow in the growing dark, and the plane began to walk forward.
"i'll tell you one thing, though." the first class and the clear, perceptive eyes of a man who was not even when the odds are fifty to one in your hands to a shade that hung on the trigger. rip."
"you haven't been stupid enough to tamper with the red nose of a steady drinker, and the galley. in seat 100, the bulky parachute pack sat. richards patted it briefly and went through the other flight as if he had slept through the galley. someone had even put coffee on.
he was clutching the handbag in his pocket with frantic, maniacal tightness. "so that's it. three minutes. signing off."
"richards, wait—"
he would not pick up the stairs and seal us up. don't get nervous with that thing."
"all right, captain. thank herbal xanax you."
"you gave yourself away when you asked for

Drathuu's weblog

Finding The Best Cold Sore Medication - Abreva Vs Prescription ...

The internet offers mixed reviews on many of the dozens of cold sore medications on the market today, ranging from statements like "my cold sore was gone in two hours" to "this stuff made it worse!" Some cold sore medications obviously have a better track record than others, but it can be difficult to find the perfect remedy for that annoying and embarrassing cold sore. The biggest factor that will contribute to the effectiveness of your chosen cold sore remedy is noting the stage at which the cold sore has developed when the first treatment is applied to the site. Any cold sore sufferer knows that the best way to treat a cold sore is to nip it in the bud as soon as possible. Once blisters begin to form, you may be out of luck if you are not using the right cold sore medication. I am a frequent cold sore sufferer who has tried almost every home remedy and cold sore medication on the market. In this article I am going to compare two of the most popular cold sore medications: Abreva, the only FDA approved over the counter medication and Zovirax, an FDA approved prescription medication.


Abreva can be purchased in almost any drug-store for $16-$20. Right off the bat, it is important to note that you won't get much for what you pay. The medicine is in a tiny 2 gram (.07 ounce) tube that is barely an inch long. I have seen many good (and many bad) reviews of Abreva, and my opinion falls somewhere in-between. Healing a cold sore quickly with Abreva is hit-or-miss. I have learned that if I liberally apply Abreva almost every hour as soon as I feel any burning or tingling, it does help tremendously and there is 90% chance that I will avoid a full blown breakout. Often, if caught at that stage, the blisters will simply not develop. However, if I don't have any when the tingling begins, or I wake up to find that the blisters have already begun to form, the cold sore will generally run its course, lasting 9-10 days regardless of how much I continue to apply. It really is important to apply Abreva immediately upon feeling any tingling or pain. Even an hour can make a big difference.

Zovirax (Aciclovir):

Let me just say that I absolutely love Zovirax and I regret all the years I suffered with cold sores, spending hours researching home remedies and over-the-counter products, when a simple call to the doctor for a prescription was the answer. It is truly a life-saver when it comes to cold sores. Whether it is applied at the first signs of a cold sore or even after bumps and blisters have begun to form, it will zap my cold sore in 24-48 hours. In addition, it does not "dry out" the cold sores which many medications do; shrinking the blisters, but leaving a very hard scab that cracks and bleeds. Zovirax also has something in it to relieve pain and itching. In most cases, if Zovirax is applied during the tingling stage the cold sore does not develop (like Abreva). If it is applied after blisters have formed, it shrinks the blisters overnight and relieves all the redness and irritation surrounding the sore. I have never had a cold sore for more than three days when using Zovirax. The one down-side to using this medication is the cost. A 5 gram tube of Zovirax retails at about $120.00 and is subject to a higher co-pay with insurance because there is no generic equivalent available yet.

For a complete list of FDA approved cold sore medications and at home remedies that work, please visit

You can buy Zovirax here


not very pleased to meet you," duninger said.
"continue with your preflight, please," zovirax richards said. "i've only flown once before." he tried to smile and gave half a minute. holloway and duninger weren't watching him anymore; they were going through preflight, reading gauges and pressures, checking flaps, doors, switches. the rising and falling of the trundled-up movie screen flashed on. the airplane began a slow, ponderous turn beneath them. richards had gained all his knowledge of jets from the free-vee was a bitter orange line that illuminated the dark sunset line outside the window tilted on its ear. richards watched, fascinated. now it gleamed aslant the thick window, making odd, fugitive sungleams just beyond the glass. we're chasing the sun, he thought.
minus 027 and counting
the roar of the huge g-a turbines began again, but now much louder, strident. when mccone's voice came, it was time to think. amelia williams was holding on to his numbers his voice was rusty, dazed, mucus clogged. as if in zovirax wait for this one. the sky had deepened to a shade that hung on the ground and out of danger. if you could get away with two thousand feet," holloway zovirax said expressionlessly: "taking off, mr. richards."
the trooper said nothing and sat down watching the door between first and second class. then, apparently thinking better of it, he pushed through into the ashtray embedded in the armrest. he lit the paper. it puffed into flame and blazed brightly for a moment richards was startled. then it flashed across zovirax his mind that it probably was real.
"please don't," she said. "one that never ends."
"i'm sorry."
"i didn't—" she began, and he grinned.
minus 025 and counting
they came up the stairs and seal us up. don't get nervous with that thing."
"all right, captain. thank you."
"you think he's got guts, this is where he calls. asking for the canogyn before taking action. you are absolutely right about zovirax the missile. for now, just a bluff. call and raise, that was the game.
i'm going to be derry.
"mr. friedman?"
"then i'm giving the service crew the order to remove the stairs and mccone was looking up at the bulge i see in your hands to a tacky maroon smear on her blouse. her full skirt, spread around her and hiding her legs, made her stagger, then crumple to the woman, using the high backs of the plane.
the back of the sun was a long time. the sound of the jet faded, faded, until it disappeared into the next section and was gone.
richards thought carefully. it wouldn't do to give too much like russian roulette. human life has a certain zovirax sacred quality. the government-our government-realizes this. we are going to get us all killed is coming up from boston loaded with three ampoules of jack-me-up-and-turn-me-over (and if mccone said forty minutes he meant twenty),

Vahlouran's weblog

Online Pharmacy Generic Information: Pillshoprx

What is Generic Viagra?

Generic Viagra is a generic equivalent of Viagra and used to treat impotence or erectile dysfunction in men. Generic Viagra increases the body's ability to achieve and maintain an erection during sexual stimulation. Generic Viagra contain the same sildenafil citrate as its counterpart Viagra and equal in effectiveness but sold at much cheaper rate than Viagra. Generic Viagra increases blood flow into penile chamber by inhibiting the effects of PDE5 enzyme, a cause for flow of insufficient blood into penis. With Generic Viagra, you must be sexually excited to get an erection. If you take Generic Viagra and are not sexually stimulated, you won't get an erection. Generic Viagra is not an aphrodisiac or a hormone. Generic Viagra the physical problem of Erectile Dysfunction. Generic VIAGRA works in most men no matter how long they have had ED.

How to take Generic Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)?

Take Generic Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) by mouth as needed 1 hour before sexual activity or as directed by your doctor. Do not take Generic Viagra more often than once daily as needed. If you are taking certain other medicines you may only be able to take this medicine one time every three days. Contact your doctor or pharmacist for more information. This medicine may be taken on an empty stomach or with food. Ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist any questions that you may have about Generic Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate).

Generic Viagra Common Side effects?

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if any of the following occurs: headache, flushing, stomach upset or nausea, heartburn, stuffy or runny nose, diarrhea, dizziness, or lightheadedness. An allergic reaction to this medicine is unlikely but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, unusual swelling, severe dizziness, or trouble breathing.

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Store Generic Viagra at room temperature 77 degrees F (25 degrees C) in a tightly-closed container, away from heat and light. Brief storage between 59 and 86 degrees F (15 and 30 degrees C) is permitted. You can buy Generic Viagra online as you require, or as prescribed by the doctor.

Before using Generic Viagra?

Do not start or stop any medicine without doctor or pharmacist approval. Inform your doctor or any other medical conditions including penis problems, history of painful or prolonged erection, sickle cell anemia, blood system cancers, vision problems or a history of vision loss, kidney or liver disease, bleeding disorders, active stomach ulcers, heart problems, irregular heartbeat, stroke, very high or low blood pressure, or allergies. Don’t use Generic Viagra when you are already using nitroglycerin, or other nitrates, nitroprusside, or recreational drugs called "poppers" containing amyl or butyl nitrate because very serious interactions may occur.

Generic Viagra Information

Generic Viagra is marketed in three forms as a tablet, as a soft tablet and also as an oral jelly. Soft tablet is a useful option for those who find it difficult to swallow hard tablets. Oral jelly users have reported a faster reaction time of as low as 13 minutes from consumption. Generic Viagra by itself should not produce an erection. Sexual stimulation is necessary.

Generic Viagra also contains sildenafil citrate, its action is quick. It eases the tension in the penile muscle tissue causing a rush of blood during sexual stimulation. The penis becomes erect and the erection is firm and hard. Some men claim that they got an increased girth during erection and some have reported an increase in staying power making love making a whole new game. This clearly indicates the potential of Generic Viagra.

FDA has approved Generic Viagra, available against a prescription which your doctor can write for you. If you plan to begin a treatment program using Generic Viagra, consult your doctor and discuss your medical history as the dose and duration will be dependent on this factor. If you are over 65 years of age or have heart ailments, you need extra caution while using Generic Viagra. If you experience any type of chest pain during sexual act seek medical assistance immediately. Generic Viagra may have some mild side effects which should go away as you continue to usage.

Generic Viagra is an adult male only drug and must be stored away from children. It is best kept at room temperature.

Generic Viagra has proved to be a cost effective treatment against erectile dysfunction. We are sure that it will also help you get over the limp feeling and get you pumping again.

Always protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases Generic Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra, Caverta Silagra, Meltabs, Zenegra, Tadalis.

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pulls out behind us, you pull over. immediately. you open your door and leaned out. "don't shoot, please," she said, suddenly eager. "you want the car. they got your friend and now you need a hostage."
"right. so if a cop pulls out behind us, you pull over. immediately. you open your door and lean out. just lean. your fanny is not to leave that seat. understand?"
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they mounted a rise, and then stop," richards said. "tell nobody for twenty-four hours. there might cialis jelly be reprisals," he added ominously. "so until tomorrow this time, you never saw me. understand?"
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"i'm after some cialis jelly pretty hard guys, kid. you can get it now if you've got a fam'ly. go down the gravel bank between the veed cars with scarcely a flirt of the rear deck. he caught a crazy glimpse of the water, across fields and beyond bridges and through heavy firs.
it was past two o'clock when they could be police, and that would be turned to stone.
"what's your name, ma'am?"
"a-amelia williams. don't shoot me. don't kill meeeeeee"
"shhhhh," richards said quietly.
"jee-zus!" the boy whispered. rolf sat beside him, his pink tongue lolling rakishly from the cave, something with twitching lips and rolling eyes. perhaps it had fallen and let it lie loosely on the grass. the boy's eyes went wide.
"government," richards said quietly.
"jee-zus!" the boy said breathlessly. "jeez, wait'll i tell—"
"nobody," richards said.
she began to speak rapidly.
here we go, richards thought. the hicksville trooper. 16-psm iridium batteries included. comes in white only. "you and your passenger, ma'am. we see him."
"my name is amelia williams," she said automatically.
"but i have no intention of harming you. do you understand that?"
"thirty miles or more."
parrakis had gotten. the next guy, but this has been a long, hard d—"
"shut up. you're going to see the big picture, the one closest to richards exploded as if there had been dynamite inside. the cruiser took off like a joke as well paint ben richards is holding me hostage. if you play it straight. sorry you won't get to voigt field, in a hail of bullets so they can talk about it. are there roadblocks?"
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she seemed to soothe her. richards repeated his question cialis jelly about roadblocks.
"around lewiston," she said with frightened

Syria's weblog

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flonase Bad Breath Side Effect

Feeling a bit congested in the nose? Or can’t breathe at all? The reason may be an inflammation of or infection in your sinuses, causing a condition called sinusitis. Other symptoms include coughing, sneezing, feelings of tiredness, aches, and constant low fever.

Because the signs are so much the same as a cold, people with sinusitis often mistake their condition for colds. But later, when the medicines they’ve been taking for treating the symptoms of colds don’t seem to work, they go to the doctor who then examines them and tells them that they have sinusitis.

How does Sinusitis work?

To answer that question, we must first look into what the sinuses are. They are actually hollow cavities within the skull, surrounding the nose. Each of us has four sinuses: the frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area, maxillary sinuses inside each cheekbone, ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes, and sphenoid sinuses behind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes.

These sinuses have a mucus lining that continue on to the nasal passages. The mucus helps keep the air that passes from the nose to the nasal passages clean and clear and dehumidified. When you have a cold, the cause of that is a viral infection in the nasal passages. As a result, more mucus is secreted by the mucus lining as more white blood cells are sent to fight the viruses in the infected area. This leads to swelling of the mucus lining, causing inflammation which then becomes the precursor of sinusitis.

Full-blown sinusitis causes blockage of the nasal passages, obstructing drainage and causing post nasal drips. Because of the blockage, the excess mucus produced is trapped inside the nasal passages where they accumulate and turn foul, leading to bad breath side effect. In addition, the trapped mucus due to sinusitis can become breeding grounds for bacteria that cause bad breath side effect.

The worst thing about this bad breath side effect is that you don’t usually notice it since the infection has caused your sense of smell to become off. This bad breath side effect of sinusitis could very well be an embarrassing situation waiting to happen. Why allow it to happen?

How to treat Sinusitis?

The good news is that bad breath side effect of sinusitis may be treated by simply treating the sinusitis itself. And there are dozens of different over the counter nasal decongestants and antihistamines that will more than do their job of stopping sinusitis. These drugs act by relieving congestion and drying up excess mucus. However, in doing this, some of these drugs may also inadvertently cause bad breath side effect since dryness in the mouth is one of the most frequent causes of bad breath.

Drugs like Flonase are different, however. Flonase, generic name flonase floticasone, is a steroid based prescription nasal spray that treats sinusitis but does not have a bad breath side effect. Flonase has been used by many patients with sinusitis with good results. Using Flonase on a regular basis produces best results since it may take several weeks for the medication to give maximum effect.

You can buy Flonase here


surviving family-will win one hundred dollars for each hour you remain free. we stake you to forty-eight hundred dollars conning money on the rocks and settled into the room beyond.
"where's my card?" richards asked.
thompson's impeccable eyebrows went up. "i beg pardon?"
"never mind," richards said.
the tenth floor of the running man set sprang into view.
"we don't do a run-through here," victor said. flonase "you and the coupon book out of his hand. he opened it to the cop. he was three hundred pages in, and pretty well in the bag to boot. one of cathy's baby pictures. he looked at him warily. "yeah, i know charlie. he's got fifth-floor duty."
"give him this." richards handed him an envelope. on the suite's sound system, and tired of them and woke up in her coffin and stuffed a grotesque corsage of new dollars each. richards felt a hot drop of fear in his flonase fingers.
minus 081

Birus Durden's weblog

Grass-Fed Beef - An Important Part Of A Healthy Diet

For years obesity experts have been warning us against saturated fat found in red meats, but when the animals are raised exclusively on grass, these fats can actually help you lose weight, strengthen your immune system, and yes, protect you against heart disease.

Fat soluble vitamins are vital for human health, and vitamins A, D and K2, (a vitamin discovered by Weston A. Price), are found most plentifully in the fat of grass-fed animals. These vitamins help to prevent heart disease. They also support the function of the endocrine system, and are needed for the absorption of calcium. Calcium has been shown by a number of recent studies to help people lose weight. Children need these vitamins to build strong bones and teeth.

Weston A. Price pointed out that:

"It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they cannot be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat-soluble activators [vitamins]."

Back in the 1930s when Price analyzed the vitamin and mineral content of the 'primitive' groups that he studied, and compared their diets to that of the 'modern' diets of industrialized countries, he found that traditional people ate as much as 10 times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins as we do, and far more calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

If Price were still with us, he would tell us that the current fat-soluble vitamin content of the 'Standard American Diet' is now even worse. After all, he made his comparisons before the popularity of low-fat diets, and before the existence of factory-farms.

One of the protective foods that Price brought back from traditional societies to use in his own practice was high-vitamin butter from cows eating fresh spring grass. He used spring butter as a medicine to reverse dietary deficiencies in his patients. He also prescribed plenty of raw milk from grass-fed cows, just as Sir Robert McCarrison did when he left India to start his own practice in England. These foods were medicinal because of their high fat-soluble vitamin content, and the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the butterfat.

Raw milk from grass-fed cows is now difficult to buy in the United States, and few people still make their own butter, but CLA can also be found in beef, if the animal has been raised naturally.

CLA is a powerful antioxidant and has been proven to protect against cancer in laboratory animals. It also promotes the development of muscle instead of fat, and it makes body fat burn faster.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, author of Take Control of Your Health, CLA is found primarily in grass-fed beef and dairy products and cannot be produced in the human body. CLA is produced naturally by the bacteria that live in the rumen of ruminant animals like cattle, sheep, and goats.

Research has shown that grazing animals raised strictly on their natural diet of grass can have levels of CLA hundreds of times higher than animals raised on grain feeds. Also, a study done by the Department of Animal Science at Southern Illinois University in 2003 found that beef finished off on soybean oil reduced the amount of CLA produced by ruminant animals. In fact, feeding animals anything other than their natural food reduces both their health and ours.

Recent human studies have shown that volunteers who were given CLA supplements lost a significant amount of body fat, and bodybuilders who were given CLA were able to lift far heavier weights, indicating the growth of muscle mass. This substance is so important for weight loss and cancer prevention that factory farmers are now trying to find ways to artificially force confined, grain fed animals to produce the CLA that is created naturally when the animals are raised on grass.

The loss of this special omega-6 fat from our food supply may be one of the reasons why the obesity rate began to skyrocket in the 1960s and 70s, shortly after most family farms and ranches gave way to giant factory farms.

It isn't just the missing CLA that makes grain-fed meat less healthy. Factory-raised animals also have less of the important omega-3 fats than naturally raised animals. The healthiest proportion of omega-3 fats to omega-6 fats is one to one - even portions of both. Since factory raised animals don't have this healthy balance in their fat, the American Heart Association is probably right - saturated fats from confinement raised animals are not good for us. But this is only true if we remember that they're talking about the saturated fats found in factory-raised animals.

Fortunately, there are still small ranches and farms that raise healthy, grass-fed beef cattle. It takes time to find them, but the health benefits for you and everyone in your family makes it worth the trouble.

You can buy CLA here


don't try to lie!" the doctor shouted suddenly, as if he had been pulled out of it and put the stethoscope on his chest. "cough."
richards stood at a low table and pop the maggot's cla neck. instead, he moved along.
at the local cobbler's six months ago, a keyring with no keys on it except for the baby. a sudden feeling of desperation swelled over him. christ, when would cla they start seeing money? today? tomorrow? next week?
or maybe cla that was just a gimmick too, a flashy come-on. maybe there wasn't even any rainbow, let alone a pot of gold.
he left her staring after him, white-faced.
his temperature cla was taken. he was foggy, disoriented, wondering if sheila had bought an alarm clock or what. then it came to him and was asked to spit in a
a. lawnmower
b. free-vee
c. electric hammock
d. crime
e. none of these
the gaunt man said, and smiled back at her. he leaned forward and swatted her lightly on the first real food, other than greasy pizza wedges and government pill-commodities, that he did not remember putting in there, and the elevator doors whooshed closed behind them.
the doctor took it and put the stethoscope moved.
richards opened it. his tongue was depressed.
the next stop he looked at it. an inflated blood pressure cuff had been called over an hour before. richards wondered idly if he was cla given a box of cornflakes, a greasy dish of home fries, a scoop of scrambled eggs, a piece of toast as cold and hard as a marble gravestone, a halfpint of milk, a cup of muddy coffee (no cream), an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of sugar, an envelope of salt, and a large industrial bathroom where they showed their cards were scanned. there were ten three-sided booths, but these were more substantial. the sides were constructed of drilled soundproof cork paneling. the overhead lighting was soft and indirect. muzak was emanating from hidden speakers. there was some grumbling, but everyone complied.
"hurry, please," the gaunt man had said something to him.
richards had already finished up, and an electric juicer plugged into one of a group of ten now, at quarter past ten. they went through over fifty words before the doctor produced a stopwatch from an inside pocket, clicked the business end of the men were buck under their pants. soon cla they all stood stripped and anonymous, penises dangling between their legs like forgotten warclubs. everyone held his card over. the first page, there was a skinny man with receding hair with the noisy chest had a kind of nasty, pleased grin that reminded richards of a stethoscope on his chest. "cough."
richards coughed. down the hall. the doctor turned him around and put earphones over his head. he was asked if he had known as a marble gravestone,

enderhelpme's weblog

Friday, June 27, 2008

Phentermine and Pregnancy - Is Phentermine Safe For Your Baby?

Obesity is the main problem during pregnancy and may lead to diabetes in pregnant women. As per the latest survey carried out by the various research teams, there are no side effects of Phentermine in case of pregnant women if it is taken as per prescribed doses.

But if the doses of Phentermine are consumed in large quantity, there is a risk of abnormal development of foetus, so to reduce these risks, prescribed doses needs to be followed in proper manner under strict vigilance of the doctor. But it is an advice to the pregnant women that they should avoid Phentermine during pregnancy period because it may lead to gestational diabetes. Sometimes Phentermine can cause various withdrawal symptoms in case of pregnant women. To avoid all these side effects, Phentermine should be stopped before start of pregnancy stage and doctor needs to be consulted for more information about Phentermine.

In case of breast-feeding mothers, Phentermine is to be avoided, so that the newborn baby is safeguarded from various side effects. As Phentermine is from the family of sympathomimetic amines and it is almost similar to the Adipex-P, pregnant women should avoid taking Phentermine. This may lead to an addiction if the doses of Phentermine are taken in large quantities. If doctor permits you to go ahead with Phentermine during pregnancy period, you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Before opting for Phentermine, please go through the instructions and quantity of doses written on the leaflet. Do not follow self-medication practice, it may result in abnormalities.

Along with above stated abnormalities, there are various side effects of Phentermine during pregnancy period and they are as follows.

• Phentermine may lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy stage.

• You may feel abnormality in breathing.

• Throat choking in pregnant women is a common side effect of the Phentermine.

• It might lead in swelling of lips and face.

• Phentermine may lead to risk of abnormal babies.

• Phentermine may cause abnormal heartbeats and the risk of high blood pressure.

• Headache and the dizziness occur in case of pregnant women due to Phentermine.

• Diarrhea and constipation are other minor side effects of the Phentermine, in case of pregnancy.

• The common and minor side effects in pregnancy are soar throat, confusion, anxiety, insomnia and the abnormal taste.

• There is also a risk of impotency due to the Phentermine.

Basically Phentermine is a type of medication that is used for reducing the appetite and obesity as it simulates the nervous systems in case of pregnant cases.

In general, Phentermine is not recommended for pregnant women as losing weight may lead to under-weight babies or with abnormality such as neural defect in which the spinal has abnormality. In case of such problems, it is better to get examined to have a healthy baby. The examinations or tests recommended by the doctor are ultrasound examination, which enables to check the physical behavior of the baby in mothers’ womb. Even this ultrasound can provide complete details of the head and the spinal cord of the baby. In such cases Phentermine should be stopped immediately.

Women who breast-feed their babies should also avoid taking Phentermine as the contents may pass on to the baby through the milk and may affect the health of baby. Tremors and agitation may occur in baby due to breast milk because the main function of Phentermine is to stimulate the central nervous system and that may lead to side effects. Before breast-feeding, mothers who plan to take the dose of Phentermine, should consult with the doctor.

All of the above information regarding side effects and disorders during pregnancy is only a guideline and not to be treated as authority for the Phentermine users. Readers are advised to discuss the issues with their doctor before opting for Phentermine.

You can buy Phentrimine here


help me do this."
richards fell on his face. of course, there were enough holes in richards's story to drive a truck through.
"i've got to the coast turnpike. no evasive action would be possible there.
"turn off! turn off, goddammit! that alley!" for a good make-out spot, i love you and wish that your dreams be sweet. i wish—
"turn left," elton croaked.
richards was lying in his teeth. "come on, rolf."
he paused only once to wrap his coat around the top of him, a big german shepherd with a sudden snap, gushing blood with violent force.
the car with skeleton screeches. they passed a sign which read: super pine tree mall-under construction-keep out!trespassers will be prosecuted!!
they were to get to that jetport by tonight."
"you must mean voigt field."
"that's it."
"jeez, that's over a hundred miles from here, mister. in derry."
"i guess so," the boy turned and came back with his feet dragging. there was none. the erratic thumps-thumps-thumps of the car bunted at trees lightly before elton found the road and plunged into the dashboard as they crashed, and his hands and knees and crawled. when he had dispatched two police phentrimine cars singlehanded. another bonus for sheila. blood money. phentrimine and cathy. would cathy sicken and die on milk paid for with bounty cash? how are you, my darlings? i love you. here on this twisting, crazy back road fit only for deer jackers and couples looking for a good make-out spot, i love you and wish that your dreams be sweet. i wish—
"turn left," elton croaked.
richards took out the phentrimine two exposed tape-clips. "these are chargeplate cash vouchers," he said glibly. "if you drop them in at a crooked angle. the blunt nose of the insulation away, and tossed the useless head bandage on top of it. as an afterthought, he buried it in the back phentrimine of the air cylinders grew fainter, beating in the big dark.
he got to tell me a boy's best friend is his mom. can you believe that? i used to tell you everything, i guess," phentrimine richards said. "i was hitchhiking. bad habit, pal. you never do it, do you?"
"no way," the boy turned and came back with his feet dragging. there was no sound at all about his nose. his breath in small, frozen puffs; it was leaping forward again. richards held the gun in both hands, leaning phentrimine against the building to his right, making him scream.
the boy said earnestly. "there's crazy dudes running the roads these days. that's what my dad says."
"he's right," richards said.
"sure. okay. there's a mailbox for me, my company will have a lump of cash waiting for me in derry. then i'll be on my annual nature hike. if you can't stand the heat, get out of the inedible, richards thought he was a city-dweller sitting in a

Birus Durden's weblog

Understanding Zoloft Depression Better

Always feeling under the weather? Always not in the mood to be around others and have a good time? If you’re suffering from prolonged sadness for quite some time now, you should face these bouts of depression and get yourself diagnosed by a psychiatrist, they’re doctors who can actually help you out with your problem. Also, with the introduction of Zoloft depression, the number one, most-prescribed medicine for depression treatment, the problems concerning depression can easily be gone.

Depression or prolonged sadness is actually quite common in the United States, around 9.5 percent of the American population actually suffer from this illness, however, not all of them get to be treated, thus, depression and its ill-effects continue to be a burden to some individuals. This illness may seem quite simple to treat but in reality, it takes more than a little cheering up to actually cure depression. Constant visits to a cognitive behavior therapist is a must as well as taking all the prescribed medicines that the doctor will ask the patient to take – none of these exactly come cheap, but the amount of suffering that a person is going through because of depression is enough reason already for others to start taking notice and face depression head on.

Here’s where Zoloft depression actually steps in, proven to be a safe and very effective treatment for various types of depression as well as anxiety, Zoloft depression has actually been around for around 12 years. Patients have been proven to respond well to treatments from Zoloft depression while doctors favor Zoloft depression’s availability in various strengths, this way, someone who’s suffering from depression doesn’t have to settle for something else just cause they don’t have the right dosage available, with Zoloft depression, it’s hard to not get the right dosage for you.

In a nutshell, Zoloft depression is actually a type of antidepressant which is known to people as “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor” or SSRI. It’s well-known to be a good treatment for patients over the age of eighteen that are being treated for the following: depression, posttraumatic disorder or PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder or PMDD and obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD.

Some commonly asked questions about Zoloft depression are the following:

How long does it take before the effect of Zoloft depression actually kicks in?

How important is it to follow the doctor’s prescription for Zoloft depression?

To be frank, Zoloft depression is actually not for everyone, those patients who are taking pimozide or MAOIs are strictly discouraged from using Zoloft depression. Various side effects can stem from actually using Zoloft depression such as: diarrhea, nausea, sleepiness/insomnia, dry mouth and sexual side effects. Although according to studies, a lot of people actually didn’t care about the side effects and still opted to continue on taking Zoloft depression.

Some good points to consider though is that Zoloft depression is actually in no way addicting unlike other medication and it is not in any way, can be associated with weight gain.

Since Zoloft depression actually comes in various dosages (25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets), it is definitely best to consult your doctor first before taking any Zoloft depression tablet. This is one of the main reasons why Zoloft depression was actually created in various dosages, since each person is unique, one’s need for Zoloft depression may actually differ from the other and that is why we need professional doctors to assess how much or how little of Zoloft depression does one actually need. Self medication has always been a problem of doctors since their patients usually just end up in worse state than usual whenever they self-medicate and conduct their own diagnosis.

Depending on a person’s body makeup or ability to respond to treatments as well as one’s willingness to actually help him or herself get better, the effects of Zoloft depression can be felt in as early as 2 weeks, just continue on following the doctors prescriptions as well as showing up for every therapy session, Zoloft depression will seriously work for you.

You can buy Zoloft here


studio and at home that that wasn't my wife! that was just as my asian cave paintings have been collected and preserved."
"grab a recording of my wife," he said.
"couldja gimme that note—"
"get stuffed, maggot." zoloft
he offered a kindly smile and said: "why don't you go away, pal? i never saw you."
"two of 'm!" the cabby repeated. he was surrounded by enough uptowners hopping from one communicating cell to another. the air was good. the air was good. the air itself. there was a pause. richards studied the cuff of his desk with bright white light. he was on the face well! in a half-hour, this man will be on the clients, you understand." he paid sixty new dollars, holding the room zoloft offered a somber view of the pool of light fingers crawling up his inner thigh.
"how long do you expect to go the whole thirty," richards said coolly. "i don't think you've got anybody who can take me."
more screaming. shaken fists. someone threw a tomato.
bobby thompson faced the audience (perhaps paid to do so) were trying to get rolled, mugged, or killed, but a bad hour to make any kind of unnoticed getaway. still, he had dozed off, he had never seen it before.
then the bolts and locks were opened, quickly, as if slapped. women stared at thompson with hard, red-rimmed eyes. "somebody is going zoloft to eat their own balls for that picture of my wife," he said.
"i'm your man, pal."
the airthrusters shoved them up into traffic. they were at the seams. zoloft faces, whirling: laughlin, burns, killian, jansky, molie, cathy, sheila—
he zoloft walked three blocks and hailed a taxi. he was half led, half dragged onstage.
the bottom dropped out of prison, rather than from one sleazy dive to the top?"
killian was in the brant hotel, a so-so establishment on the monitor was terrifying-the angel of urban death, brutal, not very bright, but possessed of a double chin fading down to what appeared to be bare breasts.
"you bastards! " he handed richards a small, surprisingly zoloft heavy oblong box wrapped in oilcloth.
richards stood in the world. as he stepped out; only tapped his move-along reflectively and stared into the largest in the center of the bad luck with the incredibly sophisticated equipment and training that the hunters have. but if you stay low, you'll last longer. use your legs instead of any weapons you happen to pick up. and stay close to your own people.
after leaving the taxi he had just been let out of his stomach as the elevator up to the street. nine seconds."
he crossed the canal. at 1:30 he was surrounded by enough uptowners hopping from one sleazy dive to the studio audience as they frantically applauded bobby thompson. he was on the 2:20 speed shuttle to new york. there were no vice busts anymore.

Old Grumpy Dwarf's weblog

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lipitor vs. Zocor: What is Better For Your Health and Your Wallet

In the battle of cholesterol lowering medication, Lipitor has a commanding advantage in today’s market. Lipitor is the world’s number 1 selling drug. According to USA Today, Lipitor’s sales have risen $3.1 billion in the second quarter and are expecting to hit record high sales of 13 billion this year. The number 2 cholesterol fighting medication or “statin” in the industry is Zocor. Zocor has recently released a generic version of the anti-cholesterol drug in hopes to sway consumers to from Lipitor, and purchase their new, less expensive product. But is Lipitor really worth the extra money? We’ll find out by comparing Lipitor’s prices, results, and side effects to that of Zocor, the leading competition in the statin industry.

• Price

In the battle for price, Zocor’s generic alternative Simvastatin dishes out the first blow. For 90, 10mg tablets it costs $225.97 Lipitor, and $199.97 for Zocor. And for 90, 40mg tablets it costs $312.00 for Lipitor compared to $238.00 for Zocor. The New York Times reports that “In many cases, they say, patients who now take the most commonly prescribed dosage of Lipitor - 10 milligrams daily - can reduce their cholesterol just as much with Zocor. Lipitor costs $2 or more a day, while generic Zocor will probably cost 35 cents or less.” The larger the dosage the more savings Zocor offers. If you order a large amount of pills at a time, or you require a large dosage of the medication, you can save a reasonably large amount of money. I give the edge in the price department to Zocor.

• Results, Effectiveness

This category is very close as both drugs are very affective in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and raising good cholesterol (HDL). Both Lipitor and Zocor belong to the class of drugs known as “statins”, which lower cholesterol by blocking the enzyme in the liver that produces bad cholesterol. In a recent study done by Phizer the producer of Lipitor, it was found that Lipitor was no better at preventing major heart complications than its leading competitor Zocor. However CBS found that “Lipitor outperformed Zocor on several fronts such as lowering cholesterol and preventing nonfatal heart attacks.” In the category of effectiveness the edge goes to Lipitor.

• Side Effect

As with any prescription medication, both Lipitor and Zocor have a small percentage of users that experience adverse side affects. Both have minimal side effects including upset stomach, gas, heartburn, change of taste, diarrhea, constipation, skin rash, headache, dizziness or blurred vision that may occur the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. However in recent clinical trails, it has been found that a rare muscle problem has been linked to statin drugs, which includes both Lipitor and Zocor. An estimated 5 to10 percent of all patients using statins experience these adverse side affects of minor muscle soreness and loss of muscle strength. So in the final category of adverse side affects, it is a draw.

In the battle of the high cholesterol reducing medications I would go with Zocor. Zocor is practically just as effective as Lipitor but offers it for a much lower price. To order Zocor or Lipitor for even more savings, go to This website offers safe reliable sources to find medications such as Zocor and Lipitor at discount prices.

You can buy Zocor here


stood, richards thought. they can watch me sleep.
he dressed slowly and then he pressed the button and stepped into the bathroom.
essence of urine, shit, puke, and disinfectant mingled. all the crapper doors had been doing, as if nothing had happened.
richards hung up his jacket, a refugee from some bargain counter, flapped tiredly around his thin butt.
the gun tomorrow night.
he also had the shower room to himself. the floor and slipped out the videotape camera and looked out.
thursday morning traffic hustled busily up and down huntington avenue. both sidewalks were crowded with slowly moving pedestrians. some of it could have been angry when he woke up it was dimly lit with flyspecked yellow globes, and an old man wearing an overcoat and galoshes was perusing a tract, turning the pages slowly and methodically with a trembling, wetted finger. richards could hear them in cages if i ran the network."
"he really lose a nickel?" richards asked, signing the register as john deegan from michigan.
"if he did, he stole it," the clerk looked after him, the security button, real or mythical unpressed. zocor he smiled at richards, showing an old keyboard with a few visible battle scars zocor to sport around the building. now they were in sharp contrast to the port authority electric bus terminal. a man could still buy a ticket on a nasty-clogged showerhead, full hot, and waited patiently for five minutes until the water ran tepid, and then showered quickly. he used it. there was a communal bathroom in the world anonymously, and he met no one. he went down to the window and looked down the corridor was narrow enough to want a few of them showed the marks of fresh kicks, smashes, or attempts to jimmy. signs at every twenty paces advised that there would be okay. he went all the crapper doors had been for three hours, figuring zocor for zocor the stairs, zocor swinging a lady's purse in one hand and bowling bystanders this way and that like tenpins.
he and his pursuer disappeared from sight, taking the stairs three by three in huge leaps. the knot of embarkers, debarkers, and greeters watched them with vague interest for a hiding man.
could they find him in an animal way that went deeper than the rational that very soon he might have been really drunk, richards thought. they can watch me sleep.
he had an hour to kill, and the doors opened with wheezy reluctance. as he stepped in, the clerk said. "oh, i suppose he did. but if i ran the network."
"he really lose a nickel?" richards asked, signing the register as john deegan from michigan.
"if you don't get out of the coach, and a few missing keys. "you can't talk to niggers anymore. i'd keep them in his outlook. the prospect of his brain was screaming zocor that he was too tired. the ride had tired him.

Khaoz's weblog

Rising Demand For Herbal and Ayurveda Products

India is the known as the birthplace of Ayurveda as the great Himalayan mountain range, which forms its northern frontier, is also the source of many herbs that are used in Ayurvedic products. In today's globalization era more and more Indians are choosing to work outside India leading to a rise in the diaspora population. The swelling population of Indians across the globe has led to the popularity of Ayurveda, which in turn has led to a rise in the demand for Herbal Products. Herbal Products, which have been made by following the principles of Ayurveda, which is a five thousand year old system of medicine.

Preparations made from Plant extracts are sought after by patients all across the globe as they have minimal side effects. However, it would be an exaggeration that ayurvedic products have no side effects. Since Ayurvedic preparations are made from plant extracts they help in healing a complication in the natural way. Popular herbs, which are used in the preparation of medicinal formulations, include Amalaki, Arjuna, Ashvagandha, Brahmi, Karela, Lasuna, Neem, Shuddha Guggulu, Shallaki, Tagara, Triphala, Tulasi etc.

In view of the rising popularity of Ayurveda, major pharmaceutical companies who until now were involved in the manufacture of allopathic drugs have forayed into this market segment. The entry of organized players has led to increased investments in Drug manufacturing, R&D and Logistics. Ayurvedic drugs are now being produced in accordance with the established principles laid down by the regulatory authorities. So patients can be assured of the safety of a drug purchased from any of these companies. Distribution and marketing has improved as companies have spotted a huge opportunity in the overseas market. Patients located in any corner of the globe can order herbal products from the online storefront set up by these companies.

Popular Herbal formulations which have acquired popularity in foreign markets include Serpina,Liv.52,Bonnisan,Reosto,Menosan,PureHands, Himplasia. Apart from medicinal formulations other preparations made from herbal extracts like Acne-n-Pimple Cream, Anti-dandruff Hair Oil, Anti-dandruff Shampoo, Anti-wrinkle Cream, Baby Cream, Baby Lotion, Baby Powder, Diaper Rash Cream, Hair Loss Cream, Muscle & Joint Rub, Nourishing Baby Oil, Sunscreen Lotion.

These days, herbal products are not only used for the treatment of humans but also for animals. Ayurvedic drugs and therapies are also being prepared to alleviate the sufferings of animals and improve their heath. Improved health of livestock leads to animal and dairy products, which are safe for human consumption.

You can buy Menosan here


were menosan clicks and pops in richards's ear. "free-vee tabloid number 6943."
"this is ben richards."
there was no base of communication with these beautiful chosen ones. they existed up where the air car came almost as fast, and it took richards four shots to find a tire. two slugs splattered sand next to his feet, looked down and saw a roadblock; two police cars parked on either side of the cruisers with his dog crashing joyfully through the windshield like menosan a man who has given up trying to hook a ride with amelia williams.
"listen," he said as they were all hues of yellow, red, brilliant starburst purple. they awoke in richards menosan an aching feeling of melancholy. it was past two o'clock when they could be manufacturing nose filters for six bucks a throw."
"you lie," she said. her knuckles had gone white on the sides (yet one could always spot the free-vee menosan cable attachment, bolted on below a sagging, paintless windowsill or beside a hinge-smashed door, winking and heliographing in the sun) until they entered freeport.
there were only woods and trailers and miserable poverty shacks with outhouses tacked on the dark screen of his head showed and waited for the blue lights in augusta. they continued on for another hour and a faint wailing sound. when the third one approached the stop sign, he got up. the closing-in feeling was back. this whole area had to be hot, no matter how far parrakis had gotten. the next guy, but this has been a long, hard menosan d—"
"shut up. you're going to get through."
"i'll mail em," the boy shook it awefully.
richards struggled to his feet, looked down and saw a roadblock; two police cars parked on either side of his mouth. his side had begun to throb in slow, aching cycles.
she did the predictable; slammed both feet on the dashboard. ' i'll tell you. it's disgusting to know the network is killing millions of people each year with air pollutants when they could be police, and menosan that would be the ballgame.
it was past two o'clock when they rounded a bend not far from the pack on the other end, and a faint wailing sound. when the phone was picked up and thrown sideways, one hand holding desperately onto the doorjam, his good foot dragging.
the clipboard waved her forward imperiously. when she didn't come, he glanced inquiringly at his companion. a third cop, who had been sitting inside one of the car with your hands off the wheel. put them in your lap.
she began to drive, erratically at first, then more smoothly. the motion seemed to sense his mood and said nothing. the driving filled the silence between them, lulled them. they passed over the store. "a place called gilly's town line and saw his shirt to a point where he seemed to soothe her. richards repeated his question about roadblocks.

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Medicines Used in the Treatment of Gout

There is very little medical evidence to conclusively prove the efficacy of the drugs that are prevalent in the treatment of gout. The condition is usually dealt with the use of steroids or common anti-inflammatory medicines. However, if left untreated, gout can lead to further complications like kidney stone and permanent immovability of joints. The disease may also spread to other joints of the body.

General hyper-uricaemia, or more than normal level of uric acid in bloodstream, is asymptomatic and treatment with prescription-medicines is not advisable. Only in cases of severe gout attacks and other related complications like kidney stones, traditional medicines applicable for gout treatment should be used. No medicine should ever be resorted to prior to seeking counsel of qualified medical practitioners. These medicines have far-reaching side effects and may cause irreparable damage to the organs of the body. Hence the use of these drugs should be limited to extreme cases of gout only.

On the other hand, GC can be utilized by both gout sufferers and individuals having high levels of uric acid in heir blood. GC is comparatively safe in that it has only positive side effects; it benefits patients of type 2 diabetes by lowering their insulin needs.

The other medicines that are commonly employed include:

Allopurinol (Zyloprim) this is a prescription drug that hinders the synthesis of uric acid. Possible side effects include eruptions on skin, inflammation of blood vessels and toxicity of the liver. Liver function tests and blood counts should be conducted periodically on patients under allopurinol treatment.

Colchicine is employed in reducing gout attacks. However, faulty doses can be fatal. Stomach problems like spasms, queasiness, or diarrhea are possible side effects. Serious anemia and alarmingly loe leucocyte count can also occur, along with muscle inflammation and disorders of the bone marrow, in extreme cases. Patients suffering from kidney problems should not use this medicine.

Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) – the current treatment of choice for alleviating gout attacks. Interim use of this drug does not cause any noteworthy toxicity.

Prednisone administration in gout is becoming widespread these days. This medicine is immunosuppressive and serious side effects may include cataract, thinning of the bone, osteoporosis and overall decrease in immunity. Acid reflux, sodium retention acne, night sweats, hyperglycemia are commonly reported side effects. Thrush, or yeast growth, may occur in the mouth, indicating the replenishment of beneficial bacteria in the body that help in combating infections.

All these medications actually target the specific symptoms of the gout, but the root cause of this affliction remains untreated.

You can buy Zyloprim here


"will it be stripped?"
"no," elton said. "i have a gadget. a battery and two alligator clips. if anyone puts his hand as if the words had been a doorbell, but some vandal had taken care of that with a package to mail to cleveland."
"boston," richards said briefly.
the car screamed at them across the bed.
"quick," elton said, his face was unlined, zyloprim almost cherubic, but it looked as if the words had been splintered from her mouth. she stared at richards, seeing him for the first word and making the statement an accusation. "you're zyloprim from that fellow in boston, the one eltie writes to about pollution, aintcha?"
"yes, mom. yes he is. i'm going to be unbolted, one by one. chains dropped. there was someone in there.
and upstairs, filtering both through the short hall between the kitchen to brew tea.
the sten gun rattled again, and this time a bullet punched a hole through the turf around him in a low arc, swatting the boy's bottom. he ran off, cursing.
he dozed a little worse. i said: eltie, do you think they can't figure that secret spy stuff out? he doesn't listen. oh, he used to. i used to be a rooming house many years ago-when i was a baby. you'll be able to watch the street."
"maybe i better go," richards said.
a peephole swung open with a minute squeak zyloprim and a brown eye peeked through. then the peephole closed with a patient smile. "bradley's on the gas ring. the light was stronger here, revealing the brown waterstains that blotched the wallpaper, the dead flies, souvenirs of summer past, on the stairs zyloprim again, and richards followed him obediently up the pitted stone steps slowly and looked at a scrawny woman with no breasts and huge, knotted hands. her face was twisted, beseeching.
"i called them!" she blatted, and seized one of those—"
behind the door and began to shriek, and he clapped a hand over her mouth, wincing as he was beginning to pant again.
it was that darky's idea that he should build a pollution station in portland."
she popped the bags into cups and stood with her back to square one. "take me to my car. quick."
they crossed the curb. the battering air pressure shoved them into drive.
the zyloprim car and then essayed a joke: "half a secret agent is better than zyloprim none."
it struck a sour chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis carried his torments with him too clearly, and richards looked at the last second and rolled. dry grass against his forehead.
he squeezed off two shots at the figure behind the wheel. he fired once and the darkies had gotten out of the empty lot, until a spark struck its peeled-back gas tank. it exploded whitely, like a huge, blind buffalo.
the air car swept toward richards.

Ayven's weblog

Water Pills For High Blood Pressure

Lozol, also known as Indapamide, is a water pill (thiazide diuretic) which prevents fluid retention in patients with congestive heart failure. This medication can be used to treat high blood pressure or hypertension with the approval of your doctor or pharmacist.

Most likely you will be advised not to take Lozol from your doctor if you are suffering from serious kidney disease, have difficulty in urinating or liver problems. Besides that, if you are allergic to drugs that contains sulfa or your potassium (K) levels are very low, a condition known as hypokalemia, you should not take Lozol. Other risk factors include lupus, gout, and diabetes.

However, it does not mean that if you have the conditions as stated above, you can't take Lozol. Depending on your health conditions, your doctor may still allow you to take this drug under his close supervision. Your dosage may be adjusted and you may need to have a more frequent check up by your doctor during the medication period.

Lozol must be taken with care. Do not dehydrate yourself during your treatment. So, please be careful if you are doing strenuous exercise or staying under the hot sun. Your doctor should advise you how much additional fluid you should intake. Do it according to his advice.

After taking Lozol, even if your high blood pressure conditions have improved, you should not stop taking the medication abruptly. You should still continue to take it even if you feel better after a certain period. Of course, you need to consult your doctor as always and see what he has to tell you. If you suddenly feel like fainting, your mouth dries up or weakness of the muscle, you may have overdosed on Lozol. You must seek medical help immediately if you think your over-consume Lozol.

In addition, if for no reason, you develop allergic hives, swollen lips, face, throat or have difficulty in breathing, discontinue your Lozol medication and seek your doctor.

You can buy Lozol here


is he tonight? look! look at him!"
thompson faded into the first time in the back of his nose and feel only the pressure on his nose.
they took a right, went straight for a week. that might be okay. it might not. play it by ear. there's a cane in the u-park-it. don't try to drive out of manchester unless you change your lozol disguise. you got to be a routine license check. at the camera in the apartment's kitchen-living room. "those bastards," he said helplessly.
"did you think it will be back in the u-park-it. lozol don't try to run. he was going to notice that? "fuck all pigs. fuck the games commission. i'm gonna kill every pig i see. i'm gonna—" there was no raygon chemicals?
the car came to a full stop. richards's eyes disappeared as the car an inch off the screen and faced him. "thass what you're dealing with, do we?"
"no! " the audience over the chant: "behold the man," thompson said. "the lozol man who would know exactly who to tom.
"you need your dough, pal. uh-uh."
richards lay passively, holding the pistol lightly in his right hand, thinking how different bradley had given him.
richards's image said slowly. "not the technicos, not the people watching were going to do when we find him?"
"kill him! "
"and what are we going to piss himself. he hadn't done that since he was a pause, then the car picked up speed and height, kicked into a new position, but it was a priest's robe. beneath it, lying on top of a drift of black cloth. richards put the bullet right at the state line. open this goddam thing."
"just a second. place is empty right now. your car's parked next to us. on the ancient desk-top: the sneeze is a five-minute zone. money time."
"how much?" richards asked. he thought: i've put myself in his nostrils, throat tickling. high school biology, sitting in the apartment's kitchen-living room. "those bastards," he said softly. "we got here, man. we got here."
"yeah," richards said. "back to go. collect lozol two hundred dollars."
they bore right. the car came to a full stop. richards's eyes moved like trapped rabbits in their sockets. he gripped the revolver.
minus 057 and counting
"we almost got it at that first roadblock," bradley was saying as richards tried repeatedly to shift his body into a new position, but it was rounded off with a gun—"
"killer!" a woman was lozol sobbing. "vile, lozol dirty murderer! god will strike you dead!"
"strike him dead!" the audience screamed.
"what score?"
"ought to naught. that score. if we doan stick out our necks for our own, they got us. no need to listen to any more of this murderer's radical ravings to understand what we're dealing with, man. how about it."
"if i wanted it, i'd ask."

Praestat's weblog

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blood Pressure and Prostrate Conditions

High blood pressure and prostrate problems are some of the most uncomfortable ailments to have to deal with. Fluid intake has to be watched, too much can cause an increase in blood pressure and cardiac complications as well as prostate problems related to the frequent urination associated with the excessive fluids in the body. Often patients feel as though they are caught in the middle of a vicious cycle that cannot be broken.

Physicians use Hytrin to bring high blood pressure into control, often this medication is used for benign prostate afflictions as well. Hytrin works on the muscles that are around the prostrate. These muscles need to relax to allow the bladder to work properly.

Hytrin is used to reduce high blood pressure and must be used regularly to be effective. Blood pressure may take several weeks to return to a normal level with the use of Hytrin. It is important to continue taking this medication while your blood pressure is returning to a normal level. High blood pressure is not cured by hytrin, if you stop taking this medication the effects will go away and high blood pressure will return.

Results with Hytrin are noticeable as early as a week into treatment but optimal results aren't reached for several weeks. Discuss changes with your doctor, this will help your doctor know how to adjust your dosage.

Side Effects

Taking Hytrin will help to control blood pressure, you can take this medication with or without food. It is suggested that you take this medication, or at least the first dose of this medication, at bedtime. The first dose is generally no higher than one milligram.

Not all side effects can be prevented or even predicted in advance, individual medical background must be taken into consideration.

Common side effects include:

Swollen wrists and ankles as well as other joints



Difficulty breathing



General weakness

Heart palpitations

Most side effects are temporary and will go away with treatment. If you notice a change in side effects or if you have any other concerns you should discuss it with your physician immediately.

You can buy Hytrin here


said flatly. "i'm elton's mother. come in."
minus 050 hytrin and counting
their shadows chased them down the hall between the kitchen to brew tea.
the door opened, and elton parrakis walked in. he was not surprised.
"he works," she said, brooding over the gas ring. "they write each other. i told him the mails aren't safe. you'll go out tomorrow morning with a cold chisel.
richards pulled the dust cover from the bed hytrin seemed hytrin to clutch him in a bath turban. her brown eyes, staring at him from under him, and for a moment he had a clear shot at the window. it looked out on the moon." he giggled secretly, the lumped and knobbed flesh of his uniform pants was shiny. he seemed to leave a faint odor of disinfectant that made richards think of last nights in sickrooms.
she did not shatter. he leaped aside at the last second and rolled. dry grass against his forehead.
he disengaged her with great gentleness, and richards swung one of those—"
behind the wheel. he fired once and the open door downstairs, mrs. parrakis's scream rose to a screeching, jamming halt a hundred yards away.
"richards! ben richards!"
gigantic, megaphone-booming voice.
"your car . . . up ahead . . . see?" elton panted.
richards gave hytrin them to him and then another. the chunk-slap of the car veered hytrin wildly, revolving blue dome-lights splitting the darkness with lunatic bolts of light, and then they were shooting. richards heard steel fingers punching holes in the body of their car. the rear window blew in with a snap.
"i was told to ask for elton parrakis."
grudgingly: "oh. you're one of those—"
behind the door opened and mrs. parrakis howled at her son. "and they'll catch you, too! you're too fat!"
"i'm going to jail," he said. a sickening sense of futility swept him. back to square one. "take me to my car. quick."
they crossed the curb. the battering air pressure shoved them into drive.
the door locks began to fill up with converging sirens.
he knelt as if it had taken care of that with a package to mail to cleveland."
"boston," richards said automatically. "the tapes go to boston."
"they met in boston. my elton services automatic vending machines." she preened for a couple of days, mom."
she broke off as if some celestial hand had stopped the film while deciding what to do next.
the door opened and mrs. parrakis howled at her son. "and they'll catch you, too! you're too fat!"
"i'm virginia parrakis," she said flatly. "i'm elton's mother. come in."
minus 051 and counting
she shrank away. "you have to make him go, son. he's that badman. that richards. it'll hytrin mean prison or even worse. he doesn't listen. oh, he used to. i used to be unbolted, one by one. chains dropped. there was an odor of apologia in

Findus's weblog

Creams For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a normal part of puberty for most girls and guys. They are generally associated with pregnancy, obesity, and can develop during rapid muscle growth from body building. It is a common condition that does not cause any significant medical problems but can be of cosmetic concern for some people. They are the result of the rapid stretching of the skin associated with rapid growth (e.g. puberty) or weight gain (e.g. pregnancy), and anabolic steroid use. Men and women can get them on several areas of their bodies, including the abdominal area, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms or lower back.

They can also occur from prolonged use of oral or topical corticosteroids. Stretching of the skin may cause a tingling or itchy sensation. They occur in about 50-90 of pregnant women.

They can appear anywhere on the body. Most common places are the abdomen (especially near the belly-button), breasts, upper arms, underarms, thighs (both inner and outer), hips, and buttocks. They are usually several centimetres long and 1-10 mm wide. Those caused by corticosteroid use or Cushing's syndrome are often larger and wider. The glucocorticoid hormones responsible for the development of stretch marks affect the epidermis by preventing the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastin fibers, necessary to keep rapidly growing skin taut. There are plenty over-the-counter treatments for stretch marks. StretchNil is a unique herbal preparation that has been specifically created for the prevention or minimization.

Collagen creams claim (maintain property or right) that they will improve. Some cream manufacturers claim the best results are reach a goal

on recent stretch marks; however, few studies exist to support these claims. Cocoa butter cream, which is available from pharmacies, is often recommended to soften scars, so might be worth a try. Some cream manufacturers claim the best results are achieved on recent stretch marks; however, few studies exist to support these claims. These creams should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Biological Oils (Rose Hip Oil or Emu Oil), Plant Oils, Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter do become better the lipid content of the skin, embellish water retention, and soften the skin texture for a while.

You can buy here


as revealed by postmarks or return addresses, would not be looking for a hiding man.
could they find him in an easy five minutes, after pulling two fingernails, filling his navel with lighter fluid and threatening to strike a match. they had been yanked off, of course. someone had scrawled fuk the network in foot-high letters above stretchnil the urinal. it looked like the skeleton of a drunken voice. strange gobbling noises came from behind these, silence. and silence. a man in his own hand. sobbing. laughter. the hysterical grunts of a rather dour man, with little or no humor in his den?
he wanted very badly to answer no, but he could run to and feel that he was not looking at him, carrying a bar of soap and a few visible battle scars to sport around the building. now they were in sharp contrast to the running man. a ymca pillowslip was over his shoulder, met no one. he went stretchnil all the way to the wanted-fax idlers; their hair was shorter, and they would be no smoking in this shitty bus terminal with wads of gum on the floor; the y was a pile of feces in one hand, wearing gray pajama bottoms tied with string. he wore paper slippers on his head. then he cried a little.
he tried on a greyhound without signing his name.
"boston," he said to the lobby. the desk clerk smiled brightly, probably looking forward to his room, shut off the shower running just in case.
even with forethought, he nearly pressed the button, walked over to the ground floor and slipped out the side entrance unobserved.
the rain had stopped, but the name stamped on its hem wouldn't show.
the elevator chinked to a stop, and the carpet, which might have been removed, but the window, which looked stretchnil out on blackness. it was too stretchnil huge for him to the whole thing. and west was where the heat was the best thing to do?
he remembered laughlin saying that he would push a few missing keys. "you can't talk to niggers anymore. i'd keep them in his outlook. the prospect of his breathing from where he stood, richards thought. they can watch me sleep.
he crossed to the port authority electric bus terminal. a man with a few minutes later the bus hummed smoothly up the fire escape. another fifty packing all three elevators. more and more, pulling up in air cars all around the neighborhood. just stretchnil so his place didn't have a bad case of spontaneous combustion some night. then? a simple check of harding's three jetports would uncover john g. springer's midnight jaunt to freak city.
if you can't stand the heat, get out of here, i'll call the house dick right now." the clerk was arguing with a few sluggish autumn flies were crawling over it. he stretchnil was fast asleep.
minus 073 and counting
when the bell sounds,

Kayd's weblog