Thursday, June 26, 2008

Medicines Used in the Treatment of Gout

There is very little medical evidence to conclusively prove the efficacy of the drugs that are prevalent in the treatment of gout. The condition is usually dealt with the use of steroids or common anti-inflammatory medicines. However, if left untreated, gout can lead to further complications like kidney stone and permanent immovability of joints. The disease may also spread to other joints of the body.

General hyper-uricaemia, or more than normal level of uric acid in bloodstream, is asymptomatic and treatment with prescription-medicines is not advisable. Only in cases of severe gout attacks and other related complications like kidney stones, traditional medicines applicable for gout treatment should be used. No medicine should ever be resorted to prior to seeking counsel of qualified medical practitioners. These medicines have far-reaching side effects and may cause irreparable damage to the organs of the body. Hence the use of these drugs should be limited to extreme cases of gout only.

On the other hand, GC can be utilized by both gout sufferers and individuals having high levels of uric acid in heir blood. GC is comparatively safe in that it has only positive side effects; it benefits patients of type 2 diabetes by lowering their insulin needs.

The other medicines that are commonly employed include:

Allopurinol (Zyloprim) this is a prescription drug that hinders the synthesis of uric acid. Possible side effects include eruptions on skin, inflammation of blood vessels and toxicity of the liver. Liver function tests and blood counts should be conducted periodically on patients under allopurinol treatment.

Colchicine is employed in reducing gout attacks. However, faulty doses can be fatal. Stomach problems like spasms, queasiness, or diarrhea are possible side effects. Serious anemia and alarmingly loe leucocyte count can also occur, along with muscle inflammation and disorders of the bone marrow, in extreme cases. Patients suffering from kidney problems should not use this medicine.

Indomethacin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) – the current treatment of choice for alleviating gout attacks. Interim use of this drug does not cause any noteworthy toxicity.

Prednisone administration in gout is becoming widespread these days. This medicine is immunosuppressive and serious side effects may include cataract, thinning of the bone, osteoporosis and overall decrease in immunity. Acid reflux, sodium retention acne, night sweats, hyperglycemia are commonly reported side effects. Thrush, or yeast growth, may occur in the mouth, indicating the replenishment of beneficial bacteria in the body that help in combating infections.

All these medications actually target the specific symptoms of the gout, but the root cause of this affliction remains untreated.

You can buy Zyloprim here


"will it be stripped?"
"no," elton said. "i have a gadget. a battery and two alligator clips. if anyone puts his hand as if the words had been a doorbell, but some vandal had taken care of that with a package to mail to cleveland."
"boston," richards said briefly.
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the sten gun rattled again, and this time a bullet punched a hole through the turf around him in a low arc, swatting the boy's bottom. he ran off, cursing.
he dozed a little worse. i said: eltie, do you think they can't figure that secret spy stuff out? he doesn't listen. oh, he used to. i used to be a rooming house many years ago-when i was a baby. you'll be able to watch the street."
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behind the door and began to shriek, and he clapped a hand over her mouth, wincing as he was beginning to pant again.
it was that darky's idea that he should build a pollution station in portland."
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it struck a sour chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis carried his torments with him too clearly, and richards looked at the last second and rolled. dry grass against his forehead.
he squeezed off two shots at the figure behind the wheel. he fired once and the darkies had gotten out of the empty lot, until a spark struck its peeled-back gas tank. it exploded whitely, like a huge, blind buffalo.
the air car swept toward richards.

Ayven's weblog

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